APM32 Motor Control MCUs

In an ever-evolving world, motors are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, powering everything from everyday gadgets to industrial giants. As environmental concerns and automation advancements drive the demand for intelligent, energy-efficient motors, Geehy is at the forefront of innovation, crafting motor control solutions that revolutionize efficiency, minimize power consumption, reduce costs, and elevate safety standards. Beyond innovation, Geehy excels in enabling swift mass production through state-of-the-art system-level ecosystem services.

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APM32 Motor Control MCU Roadmap



APM32F035 Series

Geehy's first 32-bit FoC vector control MCU features an embedded M0CP coprocessor and supports a complete FoC control algorithm. Integrates high-speed ADC,op-amp, comparator,and CAN controller peripherals.

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